Thursday, February 01, 2007


During my morning commute, I periodically listen to KUOW, a public radio station from the University of Washington. Like similar stations, KUOW features programs covering news, politics, local interests, cultural concerns, and similar topics. One of these, Weekday, has daily conversations, interviews, and caller questions over a wide range of topics. It's like talk radio, only intelligent, thought provoking, and interesting.

Today's conversation featured Dr. John M. Perkins, a civil rights activist, author, teacher, and minister who is fostering reconciliation, economic development, and genuine change regarding the issues surrounding race, prejudice, and poverty in this country. Given that my previous post was related to the impact of discrimination in our country, I found the coincidence eerie.

The conversation was fascinating and if you can spare an hour to listen to the archive, I highly encourage you to do so. Dr. Perkins has some highly intriguing ideas about these issues--including treating poverty as an economic issue, rather than a social issue.

It's an interesting perspective and one well worth pondering, especially when we're trying to figure out how to generate political will to improve lives around us.

I found Dr. Perkins to be very thought provoking...on many issues, including (but not limited to) latent (and entrenched) discrimination, leadership, equality, and even of faith.

I have known many people who claim to believe in a certain set of ideals and religious views. Some use these ideals to challenge, improve, and infuse their actions. Others hide behind these ideas and use them to avoid responsibility for their actions. (I much prefer the company of the former over the latter.)

My own faith is, well, complicated to describe and deserves its own post (later). For now, let's just say that I greatly respect those who use their faith to genuinely help others freely transform their lives. I also respect those who've survived great pain and not let their experiences drag them into a morass of pity, blame or self-victimization.

I deeply respect Dr. Perkins, not because he is a man of faith, but because he uses his faith to facilitate genuine change in this life. I respect him for his ability to make you think. He made me think about many topics, including painful ones. I hope you will find him worthy of your respect as well.

(Tonight's photo is one I took last summer at the local zoo. I thought it appropriate because of the strength and vigilance usually associated with the bald eagle. Your mileage may vary.)


Blogger JP (mom) said...

I like (no, LOVE) that you and I share the same beliefs about what is important in life ... love you, JP

10:23 PM  

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