A Jump to the Left

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Today's Sunday Scribblings prompt is "Anticipation" and, as one might expect, some folks thought of Carly Simon. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, of course. As a song (and ketchup jingle), it's become an integral part of the American pop culture.
Now when I see a number of people tap into the same gestalt, there are times I feel a perverse need to be deliberately contrary (much, I’m sure, to JP's dismay). It's not that I'm trying to be cantankerous (well, not often), it’s just that I suddenly feel the urge to stir the pot and see what else can be brought to the surface. Yes, it gets me into trouble from time to time. Sometimes, though, interesting things come out of the experience.
So, my musical reference to "anticipation" comes from a different corner of the pop culture basement.
DD is beginning to get into "grown-up" musicals in a big way, so I’ve been thinking of American (and British) musicals. As I understand it, she was really into Cats when she was younger. She's also gotten into Rent, Phantom of the Opera, and so on. It's all part of a creative streak that she's developing and nurturing. I've been trying to think of musicals to possibly share with her (when she's older), like Les Misérables, Chess (the original concept album), Sweeny Todd, Miss Saigon, and so on.
It's been interesting to see her experience with different creative forms and forms of expression. Recently, she's gotten into scrap booking and she does a terrific job of reducing a pile of photos into a loving narrative of memories.
Of the various things I'm looking forward to over the next several years, one of the most anticipated is watching this little spirit grow, develop, and mature. I can't wait to see the young woman she's going to become and I'm very much looking forward to sharing that process with her.
And maybe, when the time is right, I'll teach her the following words:
"A long long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away,
God said: 'Let there be lips,' and there were.
And they were big and they were red and they began to sing!"
God help us!! Please wait until she's at least 15 before you drag her to her first Rocky Horror midnight film experience! Glad we're bringing up the little munchkin together ... if nothing else, she'll remember her childhood as eclectic! xo, JP
If she's into musicals, you should definitely take her to see "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat"! So funny, so sing-able, totally delightful!
I always loved that line from the movie.
it was rocky horror that sprang to mind when i first read the prompt!
Excellent film!
You are hilarious! Great take on the prompt. But I agree with your wife about waiting a bit longer before the big introduction. :)
ahhhhhh........a "time warp" down memory lane........
Don't dream it, be it!
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